# Ephoto - A Comprehensive Image Viewer Using EFL #

[Download Ephoto 1.5 Final](http://www.smhouston.us/ephoto/)


Ephoto is an image viewer and editor written using the *Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL)*. It focuses on simplicity and ease of use, while taking advantage of the speed and small footprint provided by EFL. View Ephoto’s project page on [Gitea](https://git.enlightenment.org/enlightenment/ephoto).

## Screenshots ##



## Features ##

Ephoto supports:

* Browsing the filesystem and displaying images in an easy to use grid view. * Browsing images in a single image view format. * Viewing images in a slideshow. * Editing your images with features, such as cropping, auto enhance, blurring, sharpening, brightness/contrast/gamma adjustments, hue/saturation/value adjustments, and color level adjustment. * Applying artistic filters to your images, such as black and white and old photo. * Drag And Drop file operations to easily maintain your photo directories.

If you have feedback, feature requests, or bug reports, please [open a ticket](https://git.enlightenment.org/enlightenment/ephoto/issues).